If you want to attract customers to your page, web positioning is not an option but a must. But we cannot always carry it out ourselves, either due to lack of time, lack of knowledge or both. In those cases, it is when we consider opting for a professional team to develop a positioning strategy, but how to choose an SEO agency correctly ?
Putting our SEO in the hands of a professional who is dedicated to
white hat SEO strategies is essential to guarantee the durability of our
project, that is why in our SEO blog we reveal some clues so that you know how
to choose an SEO agency and against what statements You must be forewarned before
leaving your website in the hands of someone.

What you should be clear as a customer
Before taking the step of hiring a web positioning professional,
it is important that you have clear expectations and what you want to achieve
through SEO . Organic positioning is progressive and offers sustainable
results, but it must be worked on over the months so if you are looking for
immediacy, then it is not the right option.
In other words, if your expectations are not realistic, no SEO
agency will be good for you . You cannot go from 10 to 20,000 daily visits
in a month (probably not in a year either), so you must be clear that SEO
positioning well done will help you achieve visibility, improve the authority
of your domain, increase organic traffic and the online presence of your brand,
but all in the medium / long term.
Any agency or professional that offers you immediate results, will
not be doing things cleanly, so you should not put your trust and money there.
It is also important to be realistic with what we demand before
starting to work with a positioning company. You cannot ask for a detailed
strategy if you have not yet signed a contract, nor can you demand that they
analyze your website in depth without the agency having guarantees that you are
going to hire their services. All this, naturally, requires the time of a
professional and that time must be charged to the client. If you want all these
analyzes, request them as a paid consultancy, so you can measure the agency’s
capabilities fairly for both of you.
Keys to choosing an SEO agency without failing
Obtaining organic visibility on Google takes time, but if you work
alongside serious and dedicated professionals the results can be very
flattering, which is why choosing the right team is so important. To know how
to choose an SEO agency , the first thing is to understand what are the
characteristics that distinguish a quality positioning company from a mediocre
Some of the most obvious features are:
Has a specialized professional team
Fundamental, if you want to achieve good results it is important
to partner with professionals. An SEO team, one or more specialists in content
generation and a developer are some of the essential specializations that are
required to carry out a positioning strategy.
Contact the agency of your interest to find out about their offer,
the way they work and how they can make your project grow, but make sure not to
talk to a salesperson but to one of the specialists, so you can determine if
their knowledge transmits security and you feel comfortable with the information
it sends you.
They see SEO strategically
SEO is not just putting a keyword on the first page. A positioning
strategy must be complete and comprehensive, including essential aspects such
as on-page optimizations, creation of relevant content for users, quality link
building , competitor analysis, project analytics, monitoring and reports,
among other aspects.
Stay with the agency that offers you all this, because the more
scalable the proposed strategy, the better results you will receive.
Offers comprehensive positioning services
This is linked to the previous point, and that is that an online
positioning strategy can include several phases in which different services are
required. That is why it is important that when choosing an agency they can provide
you with the minimum services, for example:
- Online
content creation
- Link
- Web
- Web
- Consulting
- Results
Other services, such as the management of social networks for
example, are not part of the SEO universe and therefore are not essential
within a comprehensive strategy.
They respond to your request in a timely manner
What would you think of a company that takes a week to respond to
your request for a quote? What about a company you have to chase to send you
information? Well that!
The response time can give you insight into the way that SEO
agency works, if they are diligent, organized and if they get involved with the
client offering a good service from the first moment. That you can easily
access them is a positive sign to take into account.
They are interested in your expectations
Knowing exactly what a client expects from your web positioning
strategy is very important before starting the employment relationship, that is
why it is essential to have professionals who listen and advise you on SEO
matters. If your expectations are not realistic, it is also useful to work
alongside honest professionals who know how to communicate clearly where your
project is going and why you cannot (for now) achieve the results you expect.
They communicate clearly and professionally
It is clear that not everyone understands positioning, if so there
would be no need to hire professionals. Precisely for this reason, when you
contact the agencies of your interest you should look at the way they
communicate, if they do so clearly, if they are explanatory and if you
understand what they are asking you.
A good way to measure all of this is by asking them about the way
they work, including their strategies or the way they monitor monthly work.
The budget and terms of service are clear
If from the beginning the relationship is not transparent, with
conditions that are not clear or actions that you do not understand, then it is
very likely that over time you will not feel comfortable working with that
team. Even from the initial meetings, everything must be clear: work
methodology, initial steps to follow, payment method, length of stay.
Everything that you consider important when hiring a service must
be within your reach.
He has good references of his work
An SEO agency, no matter how small, if it has achieved good
results, it has clients who recommend it and those opinions can be a good guide
for you, although they should not be a determining factor.
Every company has its defenders and its detractors, but it’s all
about proportion. If the majority of clients and former clients think that the
service it offers is of quality, then you will be able to get an idea of the
type of company it is. In this regard, nothing better than Google itself to
find information about a web positioning agency and the experience of its
How a good SEO agency works
Each teacher has his booklet and this also applies to web
positioning agencies. Logically, each one works in a different way, but there
are characteristics that allow us to identify whether it is a serious and
committed company or not.
A good SEO agency:
- It
will offer you a budget and a tailored strategy for your project. They do
not work with generalized tactics but rather implement the actions that
your website needs.
- He
will speak to you clearly, explaining each action so that you can
understand it.
- He
will maintain communication with you so that you are aware of the actions
he takes on your project, after all it is your project, right?
- It
will offer you a monthly report of the actions carried out and the
strategy that they will apply for the next few months.
- You
will act transparently in terms of costs, work hours and project results.
Warning signs, do not trust these types of agencies!
In every market niche there are pirates, unprofessional people who
offer their services by selling impossible results or at meaningless prices so
that you fall into the trap. If when you contact an SEO agency you hear one or
more of the following phrases, run !:
They guarantee you the first position
No, never, impossible! None of us, not even those of us who have
been in this for years, can ever guarantee a first position for a simple
reason: we are all at the mercy of search engine algorithms (especially Google)
If I have not thoroughly studied your project, I have not analyzed
your competition from top to bottom and I do not know your niche, guaranteeing
position one is blatant lying. And even if I know all this, positioning depends
on so many factors outside my professional work that securing the first
position would be a tremendous audacity.
They promise you results without having studied your website
Linked to the previous idea, it is impossible to determine how
long a keyword will go to the first page or when you will recover the
investment you have made in SEO. When we have been working on a project for
months, we can get an idea of when a cave word will go to the first page but,
since an algorithm change can modify everything at a stroke, it is impossible
to promise a result because we play with factors beyond our expertise
That does not mean that you should not invest in SEO. If you want
more people to reach your website in a lasting and scalable way, you should opt
for organic positioning, but always understanding that 40% of success will
depend on your value proposition (your product, service, the niche you are in,
if it is competitive or not), 40% of the work of a professional in SEO and 20%
of the algorithmic changes of the search engines that we cannot control.
They offer you a strategy at a bargain price
Cheap SEO doesn’t work , and you can’t expect a professional
result by paying € 100 a month for a job that requires specialists, the use of
tools, analysis and constant monitoring. If you pay a cheap SEO fee, do it
knowing that you will not have results and that, in some cases, you even risk
your project because a bad practice to get links or the periodic publication of
plagiarized content, can lead to a penalty of which will be very difficult to
get out.
They charge you per keyword
What kind of comprehensive strategy lies in targeting just one
keyword? Google has an outstanding semantic interpretation, this means that
people get to our website by very different searches.
Focusing only on a keyword implies working with a few gargoyles in
the eyes, without being able to take full advantage of the potential of our
website and the analytical capacity of an SEO professional. Whoever offers you
positioning under that premise, rest assured that they have been anchored in
the SEO of the past.
They offer you quality link building for free
It is true that you can get free links by rescuing mentions or
publishing the web in local directories, but beyond that it is unlikely that
they can give you quality links for free. And here there is a danger that your
website will end up receiving spam links or links of dubious origin, which can
lead to a penalty. It’s just not worth the risk.
Choosing an SEO agency correctly may seem complicated, but
ultimately it is still like choosing any other type of service provider. You
will have to rely on his experience, knowledge, his way of transmitting what he
knows and his reputation to make the wisest decision.
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